OTP BANK organized corporate blood donation at World Blood Donor Day

OTP BANK organized corporate blood donation at World Blood Donor Day

OTP BANK JSC joined to the World Blood Donor Day, which traditionally is held on June 14, replenishing to the blood supply of Amosov National Institute of cardiovascular surgery. 36 employees of head office took part in corporate donor day, which was held together with DonorUA organization.

“The need for donors blood remains consistently high. Transfusion is necessary in the treatment of the wounded, those who have suffered injuries as a result of accidents, as well as in the treatment of severe types of ailments. Participation at this event gave us the opportunity to share our blood for saving lives of our people. Corporate donor days is a contribution of the Bank's team to the support and development of the culture of donation in Ukraine”, - noted Chairman of the Board of the OTP BANK Volodymyr Mudryi.

Bank employees donated more than 16 liters of blood. According to statistics, one donor can save the lives of three people. The blood collected this time will be able to help more than hundreds of Ukrainians.

OTP BANK has own donors tradition and has been holding donor corporate days since 2021. Such events give colleagues the opportunity to live through a unique emotional experience together, which unites and inspires good deeds. Previous corporate donor day Bank organized with DonorUA organization in February 2024. Back then, employees of head office donated blood for Kyiv regional center blood service.

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Public Joint Stock Company OTP Bank is a subsidiary of OTP Bank, which is the largest independent Central-Eastern-European banking group. JSC OTP Bank is one of the largest domestic banks, a recognized leader in the financial sector of Ukraine. The Bank provides a full range of financial services to corporate and private customers, as well as to small and medium enterprises. The bank entered the Ukrainian market in 1998, and since then it enjoys a staunch reputation of socially responsible, reliable and stable institution providing its consumers with services of European quality standard.

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