OTP BANK was honored in “Charitable Ukraine” contest

OTP BANK was honored in “Charitable Ukraine” contest

OTP BANK JSC received an award in the nomination "Charity of foreign business" of the National contest "Charitable Ukraine-2023". Ceremonial event of awarding the winners and laureates took place in Kyiv.

“The most important motive for every philanthropist is a possibility to change the world for better: make it more cozy and safe for kids, to give to the medics an equipment, which they use to cure hundreds and thousands of patients, to support people, who lost everything because of war or ecocide, but still didn’t lose the hope, to popularize knowledge, to help the gifted youth, to present books to the kids. All this OTP BANK do through direct charity donations, volunteering of our employees, fundraising within charitable program OTP Bank Helps Ukraine. The contribution of OTP Group in Ukraine from February 24, 2022 to today to aid the state and Ukrainians has already amounted to over UAH 174 million”, - noted team leader of the OTP Bank Helps Ukraine charity project and head of retail sales and network management directorate of OTP BANK Lesia Syrota during award ceremony.

A number of important projects are implemented within OTP Bank Helps Ukraine. In particular, together with JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" and CF "Blagomai", Bank is organizing the OTP Kids Camp summer camp in Budapest, where more than 100 young Ukrainians who are children of military personnel, IDPs, orphans, and residents of front-line territories, will have the opportunity to recover and receive full support, including psychological. The purpose of the camp is to provide them with a resource to counteract the traumatic consequences of war, to increase stress resistance in new conditions.

The Bank actively supports the Superhumans Center - a non-profit project engaged in prosthetics, complex reconstructive surgery, rehabilitation and psychological support for Ukrainians, who were injured due to the war. The total amount of funds that OTP BANK has already transferred to the center is more than UAH 31.5 million.

Charitable and volunteer organizations, large foundations, businesses, public initiatives, individuals and volunteers submitted 1,604 applications for participation in the National
contest “Charitable Ukraine” this year.

The National contest «Charitable Ukraine" is an annual all-Ukrainian competition to honor the best philanthropists and the most effective charitable initiatives in the country. Founded in 2012 by the Association of Philanthropists of Ukraine.

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Public Joint Stock Company OTP Bank is a subsidiary of OTP Bank, which is the largest independent Central-Eastern-European banking group. JSC OTP Bank is one of the largest domestic banks, a recognized leader in the financial sector of Ukraine. The Bank provides a full range of financial services to corporate and private customers, as well as to small and medium enterprises. The bank entered the Ukrainian market in 1998, and since then it enjoys a staunch reputation of socially responsible, reliable and stable institution providing its consumers with services of European quality standard.

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