Payment templates: update in the app for legal entities Click OTPay
In the mobile app for legal entities Click OTPay is already available the feature to create, edit and manage payment templates in national currency.
Customers can quickly and conveniently create recurring payments, save them as templates and use them for future transactions without having to enter data each time. In addition, it is possible to edit already created templates, delete them, view lists of templates.
To start using this function, go to the "Templates" section in the "Operations" menu, in the "Hryvnia" section. At the bottom of the screen, you should click on the "+" button, which allows you to add new template to the list. To create a payment, select a template from the list and click "Payment" on the detailed form. You can also click on the "Template" icon in the upper right corner during normal payment creation and drag the data from the required template to the form.
Click OTPay mobile app for legal entities provides easy access to accounts 24/7 and also helps to control the flow of funds in real time. Among its advantages: login and signing using biometrics (touchID/FaceID), the ability to work with the salary in the application, in particular, view and sign salary information; creation and signing of payments in the national currency and signing of currency documents, formation of a statement with the Bank's mark, etc.
More details here.
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Public Joint Stock Company OTP Bank is a subsidiary of OTP Bank, which is the largest independent Central-Eastern-European banking group. JSC OTP Bank is one of the largest domestic banks, a recognized leader in the financial sector of Ukraine. The Bank provides a full range of financial services to corporate and private customers, as well as to small and medium enterprises. The bank entered the Ukrainian market in 1998, and since then it enjoys a staunch reputation of socially responsible, reliable and stable institution providing its consumers with services of European quality standard.