Energy efficiency financing
Supporting the desire of companies in various sectors of economy of Ukraine to use energy efficient technologies in their daily activities instead of old energy-intensive, OTP Bank JSC put the goal of stimulating companies to use equipment, the use of which would reduce costs and different forms of energy (electricity, gas, heating, etc.) by providing funding in frame of the project ENERGY EFFICIENCY.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY – is investment credit which is provided to legal entities directly by OTP Bank JSC (without the involvement of international financial institutions) for the following purposes:

Examples of equipment, which OTP Bank is ready to invest are, but not limited to, mini-thermal power plants, boilers and heaters that run on biomass, sawdust, coal, peat, LED-lamps, control systems of energy consumption, recovery system of exhaust, water and heat, compressors, pumps and motors that operate with varying loads, etc.
- loan amount: not less than 4 000 000 UAH in eqv;
- bank finances not more than 70% of the project budget (including VAT);
- currency: UAH, USD and EUR (foreign currency funding is primarily provided to borrowers with foreign exchange earnings in an amount sufficient to service the loan);
- cost of financing is determined individually according to the market situation, taking into account the financial condition of the borrower, collateral, and other factors;
- type of financing: term loan;
- term: not more than 5 years with monthly repayment installments;
- collateral: funded equipment and other assets;
- additional requirements for the borrower: the private company, with profitable activities and stable financial position;
- additional requirements for projects: Bank finances projects that complement and reinforce the business that already exists (financed project should not be the main source of cash flow to service the loan), the term of the project should not exceed one year.

LLC Macseif – is a team of professionals with experience more than 10 years in the introduction of innovative technologies in agriculture (technological design, procurement and maintenance of equipment, construction and installation, service).
The basis of the business philosophy of LLC Macseif is a comprehensive approach to all activities. Working in the highly competitive market, the company is gaining a leading position thanks to active management, new technologies and innovative solutions.
LLC Macseif – is an innovative dynamic company that aims to meet the needs of Ukrainian agricultural market in the infrastructural facilities.
Regional manager
Zalogin Igor Vitaliyovych
mob.+38 066 176 19 59
+38 098 181 40 69

- introduction of an energy saving program by upgrading of lighting to LED light source in the enterprises of different ownership programs and industry sectors;
- suppling the Ukrainian market an innovative highly efficient LED light sources under own brand and their warranty and service.
Sales department: Konstantin Smirnov (Manager of sales)
mob. +38 095 541 72 30
tel.+38 044 467 58 88

LLC "Project-Production Firm ELEKTROSVIT" was established in 2003. The company is a produser of lamps for industrial and public buildings, exterior lighting settlements and for use in lighting plants and stockbreeding. Company is the OEM-partner of “Philips Lighting Leg Horti” company, what allows to present unique products of known brand on the market.
All products are certified in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Innovation of products and engineering solutions is approved by patents for utility models, industrial designs and trademarks.
Deputy General Director
Ponomariov Vasyl Oleksiiovych
mob. +38 067 352 09 26

LLC "BOEZ Ukraine" - representative of Italian factory of elevator equipment "Borghi" in Ukraine. The main specialization of which are automated floor warehouse for grain. The use of new technologies allows to reduce the losses and costs arising in the processing and storage of grain.
- Supplier of energy efficient drying complex Bonfanti with full recovery of hot air.
- Construction of elevators. Design, procurement, construction works.
In addition, the company is the developer of its own grain drying complex on alternative fuels.
Sales department:
+3067 6383152 Bondarenko Oleg Mykolaiovych
+3067 6338876 Korchennyi Maksym Mykolaiovych
+ 3067 6383182 Shatylo Ivan Olegovych
Technical department: +3098 6118435 Maksymenko Denys Vitaliiovych

Company Aclima presents air conditioning and ventilation systems from leading global manufacturers on the Ukrainian market. Today, company includes 17 brands that offer the latest achievements of Europe, Asia and the USA in the field of climate control. Among the products that Aclima supplies to its customers - industrial and semi industrial units and installations suitable for private use.
Contact Information:
Kyiv: 044 500 00 59
Representatives in regions:
Lviv: (032) 232 00 59
Kharkiv: (057) 784 00 59
Dnipro: (056) 766 07 59
Odessa: (048) 710 03 15

INTER ATOM LLC implements a comprehensive approach during reconstruction of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants of energy-saving facilities of industrial enterprises. It carries out the whole complex of works on reconstruction of power equipment "on a turn-key basis", has the opportunity to apply the most advanced developments in the field of power engineering technologies and construction of power facilities. INTER ATOM LLC has the opportunity to manufacture equipment and spare parts under individual orders upon provision of the necessary technical documents and drawings.
Kornienko Vladlen
Executive Director
0 (50) 310 14 07
Malinovsky Vitaliy
0 (93) 30 70 488
If you have questions about your company participating in the program of Energy Efficiency financing, please contact the authorized staff who will provide you with comprehensive information and help to make the next step in the program:
- Yegor Borysov (044 490 11 7,
- Yaroslav Parkhomenko (044 490 05 89,
PJSC ELAKS designs and implements automated control systems for technological processes, power supply and lighting, connects technological and electrical equipment since 1994.
The company works in the field of complex automation for more than 25 years. PJSC ELAKS has the full package of state licenses and permissions, has successfully released over 400 projects in different industries in Ukraine and CIS.
PJSC ELAKS has stable partnership with global manufacturers and suppliers of modern equipment and system solutions.
61070 Ukraine, Kharkov, Ac. Proskura Str.,1, build.12
+38 (057) 719-46-02