Minimum package of documents for preliminary decision

Adoption of a decision within 30 days

Advantage of being consulted by the Bank’s experts throughout the whole period of contract execution
Main Banking Products of Structured Trade Finance
Pre-export financing
Pre-export financing ‐ financing of raw materials/goods purchase for further manufacturing of finished goods and/or goods export / financing of operating expenses of producers which export finished goods.
This type of product is chosen, first of all, by the companies with strong relations with foreign buyers
This type of product is chosen, first of all, by the companies with strong relations with foreign buyers
UAH 4 000 000
minimum amount
up to 3 years
tenor of financing
30-180 days
tenor of each tranche
Post-export financing
Do you expect payments from abroad, but needs money now? This product of financing will be useful for you.
Post-export financing ‐ financing provided against the pledge of property rights under export contracts (upon presentation of documents confirming shipment of goods) for a short period of time between delivery of the goods and obtaining payment from buyers
Post-export financing ‐ financing provided against the pledge of property rights under export contracts (upon presentation of documents confirming shipment of goods) for a short period of time between delivery of the goods and obtaining payment from buyers
UAH 4 000 000
minimum amount
usually up to 1 year
tenor of financing
30-120 days
tenor of each tranche
Import financing
Do you want to develop business with help of foreign suppliers? Then you will be interested in this type of financing.
Import financing ‐ financing of goods/raw materials import for their further sale on local market of Ukraine as well as for maintenance of current production activity of the companies. Bank provides credit funds for direct payments to the foreign seller
Import financing ‐ financing of goods/raw materials import for their further sale on local market of Ukraine as well as for maintenance of current production activity of the companies. Bank provides credit funds for direct payments to the foreign seller
UAH 4 000 000
minimum amount
usually up to 1 year
tenor of financing
60-90 days
tenor of each tranche
Ждете лучшей цены на товар или заинтересованы в больших объемах товара на складе? Обратите внимание на этот вид финансирования
UAH 4 000 000
minimum amount
usually up to 1 year
tenor of financing
30-180 days
tenor of each tranche
Import financing with participation of ECA
Import financing with participation of Export Credit Agencies ‐ financing of import of fixed assets (machinery/equipment). Financing is provided by first-class western bank against insurance coverage provided by national export credit agency from supplier’s country, and being sent directly to supplier
от 1 000 000 $
minimum amount
3-5 years
tenor of financing
min 15%
buyer’s advance payment
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