Zero Balancing & Cash Pooling

Zero Balancing – регулярне автоматичне перерахування залишків коштів із рахунків компанії (Субрахунків) на основний рахунок (Мастер-рахунок) відповідно до графіку, який узгодженого з Клієнтом.

Only one document has to be signed before implementation of the product
Only one document has to be signed before implementation of the product
Management of funds by concentrating them in one account
Management of funds by concentrating them in one account
Transfers are done automatically without sending payment orders by customer
Transfers are done automatically without sending payment orders by customer
Zero Balancing options
  • Transfer of the full balance amount of funds

  • Transfer of the balance amount except for fixed amount

  • Transfer of fixed amount of funds

  • Transfer of fixed amount of funds taking into account overdraft limit

Notional pooling - “virtual” management of balances on current accounts ‐ allows accruing interest on the aggregated balance on the current accounts of the group of companies without actual funds transfer from one account to another. It allows decreasing overdraft expenses due to “virtual” coverage of negative balances on current accounts by positive balances on other current accounts of the group of companies.

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  • the attached file must be an image;
  • allowed format of uploaded images: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.