Travel insurance

A possession of a travel polis is a mandatory condition to obtain Visa, which will cover your expenses concerning medical treatment abroad.

Insurance policy

Insure can be: Who can be insured?
physical person (resident or non-resident) individual (residents or non-residents) who has a registration on the territory of Ukraine and/or start moving abroad

At the time of the treaty conduct, the insured should be between 18 and 75 years.

Terms of insurance

The duration of the trip:

  1. A fixed number of days (the agreement is valid for 60 days, the number of residence is measured from 1 to 30 days)
  2. Multitravel (unlimited amount of travel trips)
    • 90* / 30**
    • 182 / 60
    • 182 / 90

* Validity of the treaty.

** The number of days abroad.

Sum insured (limit of liability under the contract)
30 000 EUR / USD 50 000 EUR

Franchise is always 0 (zero) EUR / USD.

Insurance territory – worldwide, with exclusion of Ukraine, states of permanent residents and a state of citizenship of the insured.

How to inquire about the costs of insurance coverage and apply for an insurance policy?