- Currency: US dollars, euros and hryvnias;
- Minimum investment amount: USD 10 ths / EUR 10 ths / UAH 100 ths;
- Maturity: from 6 months to several years;
- Yield is determined by each auction (approximately: 15%-19% per annum in UAH, 4%-4.5% in USD, 2.5% - 3% per annum in EUR).

100% guarantee of obligations fulfilment by the State.

No income tax. Yield is in the currency of investment.

OTP Bank is the primary dealer of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

- According to the terms of the tariff package Private Banking Elite
- Tariffs Custody
- Broker's commission
Licenses of JSC "OTP Bank", issued by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, to carry out professional activities in the stock market:
Approximate calendar of auctions by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine - for the link.
The information posted on this page should not be considered as the sole source of information for transactions in the securities market.
The Ministry of Finance, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 80 dated 31 January, 2001 "On Issue of Domestic Government Bonds", holds placement of domestic government bonds in the form of auctions through the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). NBU performs public debt service operations related with the placement of domestic government bonds: their redemption and debt-service payments, as well as depositary activities.
Domestic government bonds of Ukraine are government securities issued and placed by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and confirm the State`s obligation to repay their nominal value with yield following the terms of bonds placement.
According to Art. 16 of the Law "On Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets" government bonds, depending on their terms can be:
- Long-term bonds - more than five years;
- Medium-term bonds - from one to five years;
- Short-term bonds - up to one year.
The official website of the Ministry of Finance contains information about the terms of an issue (an issue date, a date of interest payment, a date, nominal yield, an issue volume, etc.) of government bonds in circulation on that date.
The nominal value of a bond is:
- in national currency: UAH 1,000;
- in foreign currency: $ 1,000 US or 1,000 euros.
The issue prospectus presents the bonds nominal value.
The purchase price is figured out during the auction.
Coupon (interest) yield on government bonds is paid every six months, depending on an issue term set by the Ministry of Finance.
For short-term bonds (up to 1 year), the interest rate is not set, but a discount is applied. Such government bonds are placed by the Ministry of Finance at a price lower than par and then are redeemed at par (the difference between the purchase price and par value is the owner's income).
For example, the yield on government bonds placed at UAH 950.55 for 120 days will be 15% p.a. or UAH 49.45 per a bond (redemption will take place at a nominal price of UAH 1,000).
If necessary, investors can sell bonds on the secondary market via a trader licensed by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC). However, one should take into account the call for the bonds on the secondary market (especially during martial law).
Government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance are the most reliable financial instrument in Ukraine. The repayment of all funds is guaranteed by the state.